Help Callison Tighe and Harvest Hope fight children’s summer hunger

harvest_hope_summerCOLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA – Callison Tighe has donated $5,000 to Harvest Hope Food Bank and is asking others to help the hunger-relief charity help families in need this summer. For every dollar donated, the food bank can provide five meals.

“Summer should be a carefree time for children,” member Rick Detwiler said. “Unfortunately many children in South Carolina face hunger when they don’t receive the meals provided for them during the school year. We are helping the food bank fight children’s summer hunger and we’re asking our friends in the legal community and beyond to join us.”

A longtime supporter of Harvest Hope Food Bank, Callison Tighe has a commitment to help hungry families in our state.

In addition to making yearly $10,000 donations to Harvest Hope for the past six years, attorneys and staff have donated  time to pack boxes of food during the holidays, which is another time of great food insecurity in South Carolina.

“We know how much non-profits, including Harvest Hope Food Bank, struggle to fulfill their missions,” Callison Tighe founding member Mike Tighe said. “We believe it’s important to support the vital work the organization does in our community.”

To learn more or donate, visit and click on “Donate Now,” or call (803) 254-4432.