Parking Instructions
The parking garage attached to our building is the ideal place for clients and visitors to park. The parking garage is governed by the City of Columbia. Failure to park in one of the locations described below may result in a parking ticket.
Available parking signs will read: Callison Tighe Visitor Parking.
On the third level (3B), please park in the marked spaces before the elevator. On the fourth level (4A), the last seven spaces are located on the right before you go on the roof.
Visibly marked handicapped spaces are located on each floor of the garage and are located to the left and/or right of the elevator entrances. Please be sure your handicapped tag or placard is displayed.
Metered Parking Spaces are located on the lowest level of the garage accessed by immediately turning left upon entering the garage. However, you are responsible for inserting sufficient money into the meter if this option is used (or if street metered spaces are used).
Street Parking: Metered parking spaces, governed by the City of Columbia, are available on the street. Do not use the non-metered spaces marked as reserved for Arsenal Hill. These are for use only by visitors to the 1st building located at the corner of Laurel & Lincoln Streets, and if you park there you may be ticketed.
NOTE: Callison Tighe Reserved spaces on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd levels (other than those listed above) are individually reserved spaces to best accommodate the routine activities of our attorneys, staff, and couriers. Please do not park in these spaces.